Sunday, January 1, 2012

Can a child 6 months old legally ride on a seadoo with a gaurdian?

I was kind of bent out of shape to hear my fiance took our 5 month old son riding on a seadoo with her, at times exceeding over 30 mph. She claims it was ok because he had a special life vest but I am concerned either way. Are there any laws against this or could this legally be done?|||Is that a serious question?

Why would you want to risk your child's life regardless to whether it's legal or not!

Just because something is legal doesn't make it ethical.|||i don't know about legal but its VERY DUMB and to me its atleast child endangerment|||Your fiance is in need of some serious parenting skills/classes. What she, "claims," is one thing, the law would see this as child endangerment, no doubt. You had better keep an eye on this girl.|||It is not illegal or dumb. One time exceeding 30 going 31... mostly driving 10 miles but... no one was on the lake. the lake was smooth waters... also... there was two of us... one driving and one holding him. My mother was driving. As if she would hurt her grandson. I would never hurt my son. And if this is child endangerment we could not drive or fly from the possibility of child endangerment. Everytime we put them in there car seat you never know if they will get hurt. He was wearing a life jacket made for his height and weight. Also it is not illegal I looked it up ... for the age limit. If babies were getting hurt from this act wouldn't the state eventually take actions over it. The Highway patrol officer for the lake who was checking stickers didn't advise against it. Which we all know that cops like to give advice.

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